Session 7: Sentences

Afon Taf sydd yn llifo trwy Gaerdydd.

        It is the River Taff which flows through Cardiff.

Ydy`ch brawd yn gweithio yn y siop hon neu`r un honno?

        Does your brother work in this shop or that one?

Dringo`r bryn yw amcan y daith.

        Climbing the hill is the objective of the trip.

Dyna`r dyn sy`n rhedeg y siop goffi ger y castell.

        That is the man who runs the coffee shop near the castle.

Mae e wedi bod yn yrrwr bws ers dwy flynedd.

        He has been a bus driver for two years.

Rydw i`n cymryd y llwybr sy`n mynd trwy`r goedwig i lyn.

        I take the path which goes through the forest to a lake.

Alun sydd wedi ennill y ras deg cilomedr.

        It is Alun who has won the ten kilometre race.

A oes llaeth yn yr oergell neu dylwn i brynu ychydig?

        Is there milk in the fridge or should I buy some?

Oes yna afalau ac orenau yn y bowlen ar y bwrdd?

        Are there apples and oranges in the bowl on the table?

Ydy`r bobl wrth y fynedfa yn aros i`r drysau agor?

        Are the people by the entrance waiting for the doors to open?

A oes gofalwr yn yr adeilad?

        Is there a caretaker in the building?

Y ferch hynaf sydd eisiau mynd i`r parti.

        It is the oldest girl who wants to go to the party.

Y trên Caerdydd sy`n cyrraedd nawr.

        It is the Cardiff train that is arriving now.

Mae`r bwyty hwn yn brysur bob penwythnos yn yr haf.

        This restaurant is busy every weekend in the summer.

A oes problem gyda eich bil?

        Is there a problem with your bill?

Ydy`r cyfanswm ar eich bil yn anghywir?

        Is the total on your bill incorrect?

Y gweinydd sy`n gyfrifol.

        It is the waiter who is responsible.

Y bwyty hwn yw`r gwaethaf yng Nghymru.

        This restaurant is the worst in Wales.

Oes ofn y ci arnat ti?

        Are you frightened of the dog?

Dydy`r trên ddim yn mynd tan naw o`r gloch.

        The train does not go until nine o`clock.