Session 5: Sentences

Mae`n brifysgol fach gyfeillgar felly dewisais fynd yno.

        It is a small friendly university so I chose to go there.

Gwyliais y rhaglen gyntaf yn y gyfres ond roedd yn ddiflas.

        I watched the first program in the series but it was boring.

Fe wnaethon ni eistedd mewn cadeiriau cyfforddus yn y lolfa fawr wrth i ni aros.

        We sat in comfortable chairs in the large lounge while we waited.

Mae eu merch yn ddeallus felly bydd hi`n gwneud yn dda yn yr arholiad.

        Their daughter is intelligent so she will do well in the exam.

Cyfieithodd y myfyriwr y brawddegau cyn iddo fynd i`r dosbarth.

        The student translated the sentences before he went to the class.

Mae`r gylchfan yma er mwyn i`r traffig lifo`n hawdd.

        The roundabout is here in order that the traffic flows easily.

Roedden nhw yn y gegin pan ddaeth y postmon at y drws.

        They were in the kitchen when the postman came to the door.

Mae ein swyddfa ar yr ugeinfed llawr ond mae`r olygfa o`r ffenestr yn ardderchog.

        Our office is on the twentieth floor but the view from the window is excellent.

Rydyn ni`n mynd i`r mynyddoedd oni bai bod y tywydd yn stormus.

        We are going to the mountains unless the weather is stormy.

Roedden ni heb fwyd am ddiwrnod oherwydd bod y siopau ar gau.

        We were without food for a day because the shops were closed.

Gofynnodd i`r ymwelydd aros yn y dderbynfa nes i`r rheolwr gyrraedd.

        He asked the visitor to wait at the reception until the manager arrived.

Rhoddon nhw`r cwch yn y dŵr er bod y tonnau`n uchel.

        They put the boat in the water although the waves were high.

Ydy`r bwthyn ar lan y môr neu yng nghefn gwlad?

        Is the cottage by the sea or in the countryside?

Roedd torf fawr yn aros y tu allan i`r theatr cyn iddi agor.

        A large crowd was waiting outside the theatre before it opened.

Fe edrychon nhw drwy ffenestr pan glywon nhw bobl yn gweiddi.

        They looked through a window when they heard people shouting.

Fe adawodd y cwsmer y bwyty heb dalu.

        The customer left the restaurant without paying.

Cysgodd y gath tan ddiwedd y prynhawn.

        The cat slept until the end of the afternoon.

Cafodd ei anafu wrth chwarae pêl-droed.

        He was injured while playing football.

Byddwn yn mynd â`r ci am dro pe bai gen i amser.

        I would take the dog for a walk if I had time.

Sawl milltir yw hi i`r pentref rhag ofn y bydd yn rhaid i mi gerdded yno?

        How many miles is it to the village in case I have to walk there?