Session 13: Story

Hyfforddodd Gwyn mewn arlwyo yn y coleg addysg bellach lleol

        Gwyn trained in catering at the local further education college

Pan gwblhaodd ei gwrs, sefydlodd bopty bach yn y dref

         When he completed his course, he set up a small bakery in the town

Roedd y popty yn llwyddiannus, ond ar ôl blwyddyn neu ddwy roedd yn teimlo bod angen her newydd arno

         The bakey was successful, but after a couple of years he felt that he needed a new challenge

Un noson gwyliodd raglen deledu am dyfwyr coco yn Affrica

         One evening he watched a television program about cocoa growers in Africa

Dangosodd y cyflwynydd sut y cafodd y ffa eu cynaeafu, a sut mae siocled o ansawdd uchel iawn yn cael ei wneud â llaw

         The presenter showed how the beans were harvested, and how very high quality chocolate is made by hand

Sylweddolodd Gwyn pa mor gyffrous byddai sefydlu ei gwmni bach ei hun yn gwneud siocled

         Gwyn realised how exciting it would be to set up his own small company making chocolate

Pan oedd y popty yn dawel yn yr hydref, gadawodd y staff wrth y llyw a theithio i orllewin Affrica

         When the bakery was quiet in the autumn, he left the staff in charge and travelled to west Africa

Gwnaeth e deithio o amgylch planhigfeydd coco a thrafod prisiau masnach deg gyda`r ffermwyr

         He travelled around cocoa plantations and discussed fair trade prices with the farmers

Ar ôl dychwelyd i Gymru, derbyniodd y llwyth cyntaf o ffa coco

         After returning to Wales, he received the first batch of cocoa beans

Daeth ei gegin yn labordy i arbrofi gyda chynhyrchu siocled

         His kitchen became a laboratory to experiment with chocolate production

Datblygodd beiriannau ar gyfer rhostio, malu a gwasgu`r ffa

         He developed machinery for roasting, grinding and pressing the beans

Ar ôl sawl ymgais, daeth o hyd i`r rysáit, y tymheredd a`r amser prosesu gorau i gynhyrchu siocled rhagorol

         After many attempts, he found the best recipe, temperature and processing time to produce excellent chocolate

Hysbysebodd gyda gwefan, a gwerthodd drwy archeb bost i bobl sy`n caru siocled

         He advertised with a web site, and sold by mail order to people who love chocolate

Daeth ymwelwyr i`r siop hefyd i brynu ei siocled arbennig iawn

         Visitors also came to the shop to buy his very special chocolate

Mae Gwyn yn benderfynol o gadw`r busnes yn fach a pharhau i wneud siocled â llaw

         Gwyn is determined to keep the business small and continue making chocolate by hand

Nid yw am ehangu i gyflenwi archfarchnadoedd a lleihau ansawdd uchel ei siocled

         He does not want to expand to supply supermarkets and reduce the high quality of his chocolate