Session 10: Sentences

Roedd y cyflwynydd teledu yn gweithio ym Manceinion.

        The television presenter worked in Manchester.

Fe ddylen ni ddewis tîm gwell cyn y gystadleuaeth.

        We should choose a better team before the competition.

Roedd yn sefyll wrth fynedfa`r hen adeilad.

        He was standing by the entrance to the old building.

Mae gan y ffermwr y ddiadell fwyaf o ddefaid ar y mynydd.

        The farmer has the largest flock of sheep on the mountain.

Atebais bob cwestiwn ac eithrio`r un anoddaf.

        I answered every question except the hardest one.

Roedd y busnesau mwyaf llwyddiannus yn yr ardal o amgylch Caerdydd.

        The most successful businesses were in the area around Cardiff.

Gwelon ni haid o wyddau yn hedfan dros y llyn.

        We saw a flock of geese flying over the lake.

Ydy’n well gyda chi`r hen ffilmiau neu’r ffilmiau newydd?

        Do you prefer the old films or the new films?

Cwblhaodd hi`r ras mewn amser cyflymach na`r llynedd.

        She completed the race in a faster time than last year.

Dyma ei siawns orau o gael swydd gyda chyflog uwch.

        This is his best chance of getting a job with a higher salary.

Fe fuodd yr afon gorlifo pan roedd lefel y dŵr ar ei uchaf ddoe.

        The river flooded when the water level was at its highest yesterday.

A ydych wedi clywed y cynlluniau diweddaraf y mae`r cwmni wedi`u gwneud?

        Have you heard the latest plans that the company has made?

Byddai cacen yn well na ffrwythau, ond hufen iâ byddai orau.

        Cake would be better than fruit, but ice cream would be best.

Y ffordd gyflymaf i deithio o Fangor i Gaerdydd ydy ar y trên.

        The quickest way to travel from Bangor to Cardiff is by train.

Gwnes i gamgymeriad gwaeth pan brynais i`r cyfrifiadur rhataf.

        I made a worse mistake when I bought the cheapest computer.

Cerddon ni dros yr hen bont i`r bwthyn bach gwyn.

        We walked over the old bridge to the little white cottage.

Allan nhw ddim fforddio aros yn y gwesty drutaf.

        They can`t afford to stay in the most expensive hotel.

Wnaethon ni ddim cwrdd â`r bobl bwysicaf.

        We didn`t meet the most important people.

Y prif reswm ydy bod pob ffenestr ar agor.

        The main reason is that every window is open.

Y lle cynhesaf yn y tŷ oedd y gegin.

        The warmest place in the house was the kitchen.