Session 8: Article

Caerleon ydy`r lleoliad caer Rufeinig Isca

        Caerleon is the location of Isca Roman fortress

Roedd hon yn un o ddim ond tair caer Rufeinig barhaol ym Mhrydain

         This was one of only three permanent Roman forts in Britain

Daeth y milwyr yn Isca yn wreiddiol o ogledd yr Eidal, Ffrainc a Sbaen

         The soldiers in Isca came originally from northern Italy, France and Spain

Roedd bywyd yn anodd i filwyr Rhufeinig yng Nghymru yn y ganrif gyntaf

         Life was difficult for Roman soldiers in Wales in the first century

Gwnaethon nhw beryglu eu bywydau mewn brwydrau gyda Brythoniaid hynafol

         They risked their lives in battles with ancient Britons

Roedd y milwyr yn cael eu cartrefu mewn ystafelloedd cyfyng yn y barics ynghyd â`u harfau

         The soldiers were housed in cramped barracks rooms with their weapons

Byddai Cymru yn teimlo fel cornel bellaf yr ymerodraeth Rufeinig

         Wales would feel like the most distant corner of the Roman empire

Cafodd y milwyr rhai o`r cysuron cartref

         The soldiers had some of the comforts of home

Gallent ymweld â baddonau i gwrdd â ffrindiau

         They could visit the baths to meet friends

Roedd yna faddonau oer, cynnes a phoeth dan do a phwll nofio awyr agored enfawr

         There were cold, warm and hot indoor baths and a huge outdoor swimming pool

Gallai`r milwyr hefyd fynd i`r amffitheatr i wylio`r gladiatoriaid yn ymladd

         The soldiers could also go to the amphitheatre to watch the gladiators fight

Mae gan Gaerleon yr amffitheatr Rufeinig fwyaf cyflawn ym Mhrydain, a oedd â lle i chwe mil o wylwyr

         Caerleon has the most complete Roman amphitheatre in Britain, with space for six thousand spectators