Session 8: Story

Roedd traffig awyr yn cynyddu

        Air traffic was increasing

Roedd y llywodraeth eisiau cynyddu nifer yr awyrennau sy`n defnyddio`r maes awyr

         The government wanted to increase the number of planes using the airport

Byddai hyn yn datblygu`r rhanbarth fel canolfan ar gyfer busnes rhyngwladol

         This would develop the region as a centre for international business

Fe wnaethant gymeradwyo cynlluniau i adeiladu rhedfa newydd yn gyflym heb ofyn i`r bobl leol

         They quickly approved plans to build new runway without asking the local people

Byddai hyn yn gofyn am dorri coedwigoedd derw hynafol i lawr

         This would require cutting down ancient oak woods

Roedd pobl leol yn poeni am fwy o sŵn awyrennau

         Local people were concerned about more aircraft noise

Ni fyddent yn gallu cael eu ffenestri ar agor yn yr haf

         They would not be able to have their windows open in the summer

Daeth y trigolion lleol allan o`u tai i gwrdd â chymdogion a threfnu gwrthdystio

         The local residents came out of their houses to met neighbours and arrange to protest

Dechreuwyd deiseb fawr, a derbyniwyd miloedd o lofnodion

         A large petition was started, and thousands of signatures were received

Trefnwyd gorymdaith brotest

         A protest march was arranged

Aeth yr orymdaith i ben yn y goedwig dderw, lle rhoddodd yr ymgyrchwyr areithiau

         The march ended at the oak wood, where the campaigners gave speeches

Ffilmiodd camerâu teledu y digwyddiad

         Television cameras filmed the event

Derbyniodd yr ymgyrch gefnogaeth gan yr Aelod Seneddol leol

         The campaign received support from the local Member of Parliament

Roedd hi hefyd yn poeni am effeithiau mwy o deithio awyr ar newid hinsawdd

         She was also concerned about the effects of more air travel on climate change

Pan glywodd Aelodau Seneddol eraill am y cynlluniau, roeddent hefyd yn poeni

         When other Members of Parliament heard about the plans, they were also worried

Ar ôl pleidlais, stopiwyd y prosiect nes bod adroddiad amgylcheddol llawn yn cael ei gynhyrchu

         After a vote, the project was stopped until a full environmental report is produced