In this section we look further at some prepositions. These small words can cause difficulty in Welsh, as the patterns of use may differ from English.
The preposition 'o' generally has the meaning 'of', and can follow a noun to provide a further description:
Mae ganddo fe brofiad o weithio mewn gwesty.
He has experience of working in a hotel.
In some cases, however, 'o' is not included:
Roedden nhw'n trafod effaith y llifogydd.
They were discussing the effect of the floods.
The preposition 'o' is included in most phrases involving numbers, divisions and quantities, for example:
Gwnaethon ni archebu dwy wydraid o win.
We ordered two glasses of wine.
Derbyniodd hi sgôr o saith deg y cant yn yr arholiad.
She received a score of seventy percent in the examination.
Rydyn ni'n tyfu llysiau mewn rhan o'r ardd.
We grow vegetables in part of the garden.
Mae wedi'i ysgrifennu ar y darn hwn o bapur.
It is written on this piece of paper.
'o' is incuded in the phrases:
use of:
Roedd e eisiau defnydd o gar ddydd Sadwrn.
He wanted the use of a car on Saturday.
idea of:
Rwy'n hoffi'r syniad o drefnu parti.
I like the idea of organising a party.
choice of:
Roedd y gwesty yn cynnig dewis o ystafelloedd.
The hotel offered a choice of rooms.
way of:
Gwnaethon ni ddarganfod ffordd well o adeiladu'r wal.
We discovered a better way of building the wall.
However, 'o' is not included in the phrases:
meaning of:
Esboniodd yr athro ystyr y gerdd.
The teacher explained the meaning of the poem.
details of:
Mae'r llyfr yn rhoi manylion y daith.
The book gives details of the journey.
lack of:
Roedd gwaith y myfyriwr yn dangos diffyg dealltwriaeth.
The student's work showed a lack of understanding.
purpose of:
Esboniodd y rheolwr bwrpas y prosiect.
The manager explained the purpose of the project.
price of:
Cawson i ein synnu gan bris y tŷ.
We were surprised by the price of the house.