Session 6: Sentences

Mae eu tŷ nhw yn filltir o`n tref ni.

        Their house is a mile from our town.

Pam ydych chi`n cuddio rhagddyn nhw?

        Why are you hiding from them?

Byddaf yn talu deg punt i chi yr wythnos nesaf.

        I will pay you ten pounds next week.

Roedd tân difrifol yn y ffatri honno.

        There was a serious fire in that factory.

A fyddan nhw`n mynd yno nos yfory?

        Will they go there tomorrow night?

Prynais i`r llyfr hwn yn eich siop ddoe.

        I bought this book in your shop yesterday.

Mae`n well ganddyn nhw fynd i`r dref yn ei gar ef.

        They prefer to go to the town in his car.

Wnewch chi fynd â`r rhain i Swyddfa`r Post?

        Will you take these to the Post Office?

Daethon nhw gyda ni i`r Alban ac Iwerddon.

        They came with us to Scotland and Ireland.

Gofynnais iddyn nhw am esboniad o`r broblem.

        I asked them for an explanation of the problem.

Byddaf yn dangos i chi sut mae hyn yn gweithio.

        I will show you how this works.

Maen nhw`n ffrindiau i fy mam a fy nhad.

        They are friends of my mother and my father.

Ces i`r rhain allan o`r oergell i`w bwyta i ginio.

        I got these out of the fridge to eat for lunch.

Ai dyna ydy`r llyfrau y gwnaethoch chi eu benthyg o`r coleg?

        Are those the books you borrowed from the college?

Nid oedd hynny`n syniad da pan oedden ni`n brin o arian.

        That was not a good idea when we were short of money.

Gofynnodd i mi bostio`r llythyr ar fy ffordd adref.

        He asked me to post the letter on my way home.

A fyddwch chi`n teithio yn y bws hwn neu`r un hwnnw?

        Will you travel in this bus or that one?

Cyhoeddwyd y rheiny y llynedd, nid eleni.

        Those were published last year, not this year.

Fe wnaethon ni anfon cardiau Nadolig at ein ffrindiau cyn i ni fynd ar wyliau.

        We sent Christmas cards to our friends before we went on holiday.

Rhaid inni orffen y cyfrifon hyn cyn i ni ddechrau gweithio ar y rheiny.

        We must finish these accounts before we start work on those.