Session 14: Sentences

Dylai`r cwmni adael y penderfyniad i`w gyfreithiwr.

        The company should leave the decision to their solicitor.

Gafaelwch yn fy llaw wrth ddringo`r llwybr serth.

        Grab my hand while climbing the steep path.

Bydd cymydog yn gofalu am ein cath tra byddwn ar wyliau.

        A neighbour will take care of our cat while we are on holiday.

Gofynnodd yr ymwelwyr i`r siopwr am gyfeiriadau i`r bwthyn.

        The visitors asked the shopkeeper for directions to the cottage.

Gorchmynnodd yr heddlu i`r myfyrwyr ddod â`r parti i ben.

        The police ordered the students to end the party.

Mae`r rheolau yn gwahardd teithwyr rhag agor y drws tra bod y trên yn symud.

        The rules forbid passengers to open the door while the train is moving.

Siaradodd yr athro â`r myfyrwyr am drefniadau ar gyfer yr arholiad.

        The teacher spoke to the students about arrangements for the examination.

Fe dalon nhw`r casglwr tollau am groesi`r bont.

        They paid the toll collector for crossing the bridge.

Rhaid i breswylwyr ufuddhau i`r rheolau ar gyfer ailgylchu sbwriel.

        Residents must obey the rules for recycling rubbish.

Bydd y trên yn gadael am ddeg munud wedi naw o blatfform dau.

        The train will leave at ten minutes past nine from platform two.

Dylech fod yn ymwybodol o effeithiau newid hinsawdd.

        You should be conscious of the effects of climate change.

Gofynnodd i mi beidio â dweud wrth unrhyw un am y broblem.

        He asked me not to tell anyone about the problem.

Roeddem yn gwrando ar y teledu am ganlyniad y gêm.

        We were listening to the television for the result of the game.

Pan oedd yn yr anialwch roedd yn hiraethu am Gymru yn y glaw.

        When he was in the desert he was longing for Wales in the rain.

Byddaf yn mynd at y meddyg os byddaf yn dal i deimlo`n sâl yfory.

        I will go to the doctor if I still feel ill tomorrow.

Roedd arnon ni ofn colli ein ffordd yn ystod y daith.

        We were frightened of losing our way during the journey.

Roedd llawer o bwysau ar y cystadleuwyr i ennill.

        There was a lot of pressure on the competitors to win.

Rhedodd ei gi ato wrth iddo gerdded i fyny`r llwybr.

        His dog ran to him as he walked up the path.

Sylwodd ar y car newydd ei bod hi`n gyrru.

        He noticed the new car that she was driving.

Bydd y glaw yfory yn ychwanegu at y dŵr yn y gronfa ddŵr.

        The rain tomorrow will add to the water in the reservoir.