Session 11: Sentences

Gwerthwyd y llestri yn y farchnad.

        The crockery was sold in the market.

Dewiswyd yr ardd ar gyfer gwobr arbennig.

        The garden was chosen for a special prize.

Mae`r drws yn cael ei gloi am 10 o`r gloch.

        The door is locked at 10 o`clock.

Gwahoddwyd y teulu i`r cyngerdd.

        The family was invited to the concert.

Dywedwyd wrtho am droi i`r dde ar y groesffordd.

        He was told to turn right at the crossroads.

Gwerthir y papur lleol yma.

        The local paper is sold here.

Ni chwblhawyd y gwaith ar y ffordd newydd.

        The work on the new road was not completed.

Mae`r bin sbwriel yn cael ei wagio pan fydd yn llawn.

        The rubbish bin is emptied when it is full.

Dewiswyd amrywiaeth o luniau ar gyfer yr arddangosfa.

        A variety of pictures were chosen for the exhibition.

Daethpwyd o hyd i`r fodrwy aur yn y cae.

        The gold ring was found in the field.

Cafodd y digwyddiad ei ymchwilio gan yr heddlu.

        The incident was investigated by the police.

Dywedwyd wrth y gweithwyr am atgyweirio`r to.

        The workmen were told to repair the roof.

Cesglir tocynnau wrth y drws.

        Tickets will be collected at the door.

Gwelir gwartheg ar y bryniau yn yr haf.

        Cattle are seen on the hills in the summer.

A ofynnwyd i chi ddod yma?

        Were you asked to come here?

A ofynnir iddo gyflwyno`r canlyniadau?

        Will he be asked to present the results?

Cafodd y grisiau eu glanhau bob bore.

        The stairs were cleaned every morning.

Adroddwyd bod y broblem wedi`i datrys.

        It was reported that the problem had been solved.

Aethpwyd â`r ymwelwyr i`w hystafelloedd.

        The visitors were taken to their rooms.

Ces i fy nghynghori peidio â cherdded trwy ganol y dref.

        I was advised not to walk through the town centre.